Pentosin Brake Fluid Review in 2023: [Best Brake Fluid]

Many drivers have their cars undergo maintenance as part of prolonging their lifespan. Part of these cars that undergoes this maintenance is the car brakes. They are critical because having the right car brake will maximize safety and car performance on the road.

Surprisingly, most car drivers don’t know which type of brake fluids their car brakes use. They usually don’t know it’s as important as the brakes themselves. If you are serious about car maintenance, then you should be wary of the type of brake fluids that your car uses. This is what we shall be looking at in this pentosin brake fluid review. To give you more insight into why you should buy a pentosin brake fluid.

Just as there are different types of car brakes, so as there are different qualities of brake fluids. Knowing which type of brake fluid to use is essential. Often, this is one area drivers, and even the mechanics overlook.

Pentosin Brake Fluid - 1 Liter

Pentosin Brake Fluid

What is Pentosin Brake Fluid?

Pentosin brake fluid is a hydraulic fluid that is responsible for the movement of a vehicle’s braking system. Just like other brake fluids, pentosin brake fluids make it possible for your brake system to work. So without it, there would be no way your car could stop when you want it to.

Pentosin is a well-known manufacturer of high-quality brake fluids, hydraulic fluids, motor oils, as well as antifreeze. It’s a hydraulic program under CRP Automotive that offers OEM/OES certified high-tech fluids. It’s designed for hydraulics systems such as power steering, hydro-pneumatic suspension, shock absorbers, etc.

Why Is Pentosin Brake Fluid Different?

All Pentosin brake fluids exceed DOT (Department of Transport) levels for increased brake performance, non-corrosive, and can resist water absorption. DOT is crucial because they determine the boiling temperatures a fluid must meet to consider it safe for car brakes.

Pentosin brake fluid also mixes well with others. That means if you initially topped the system with a brake fluid other than pentosin, you can top up that system with pentosin without having to drain the first fluid out of the system. Some brake fluids don’t mix well with others, and that’s what makes the pentosin different from other brake fluids.

Pentosin 1204116 Super Dot 4 Brake Fluid Review

The Pentosin Super DOT 4 is a brake fluid of quality that won’t let the performance of your brake system down. Super DOT 4 is superior to most hydraulic brake fluids in the market while coming at an affordable rate.

It’s a super brake fluid that you can use in vehicles with modern brake systems as well as vehicles with ABS systems. It has an excellent water resistance feature, non-corrosive, and mixes well. The ability of this fluid to resist the absorption of water ensures safety vapor locks.


  • It’s resistant to corrosion.
  • Has weak water absorption property.
  • Universally acceptable in all DOT 4 level vehicles.

Pros & Cons of Pentosin 1204116 Super Dot 4 Brake Fluid


  • It’s affordable.
  • Can’t retain water.
  • It’s non-corrosive.
  • Superior quality brake fluid that enhances your braking power.


  • You may get high-temperature brake warnings on your dashboard.

Types of Pentosin Brake Fluids

There are the pentosin DOT 4 LV (low viscosity brake fluid), pentosin synthetic hydraulic fluid, and pentosin super DOT 4. Other brands have the DOT 3, DOT 5.1, and DOT 5. DOT 3 and DOT 4 are more common than the DOT 5 because the latter is a silicone fluid. DOT 5 is not generally used except in military vehicles.

Earlier, we talked about DOT levels. DOT 3 and DOT 4 are Polyethylene Glycol fluids with different boiling points. DOT 3 has a lower boiling point when compared to DOT 4.

Why is brake fluid vital?

Brake fluids determine how responsive your car brakes would be. Brake fluids act as a means of conveyance and a catalyst for the movement and stopping of a car. Without it, there would be no pressure in the brake system. This means that your vehicle will not stop, no matter how hard you press the pedal.

How To Change Your Brake Fluid

Start by identifying the type of brake fluid that your car uses. Once you are done with that, get a turkey baster. Get as much fluid as possible from the brake fluid container. Then, top up the reservoir with the new brake fluid to the appropriate level. Remember to dispose of the old brake fluid as it’s no longer useful.

How To Check the Level of a Vehicle’s Brake Fluid?

Checking the level of brake fluid is simple. First of all, you have to locate the brake fluid reservoir in the bonnet of your car. Once you have identified it, carefully remove the top of it. On the side of the brake fluid reservoir, you will see markers to indicate the level of your brake fluid. If it’s below that marker, then it’s an indication that you are low in fluid and that you need to top up.


Once you are done checking, clean before replacing it, this is to prevent dirt from entering inside.

Brake fluid basics & comparison – How to choose the best brake fluid for your car


How does brake fluid work? 

Brake fluid is what makes the brake system to function. Brake fluids are stored in the brake fluid reservoir, and they are connected to your brake lines. There is a certain amount of fluid that must flow and remain constant while a vehicle is moving. As you match the pedals to stop the vehicle, mechanical piston-like action is executed. It starts to pressurize the fluid in the brake and the wheels, which is to respond to the pedals.

Hydraulic systems work with pressure, and this is what the brake fluid provides. So the fluid acts as a connection between your foot /pedal and the hydraulic system, which activates the braking. 

How frequently do I change my brake fluid?

Usually, your brake fluid should be changed at least once in a year. However, vehicles differ. You need to refer to your vehicle’s manual to ascertain the mileage and time you need to change your brake fluid. 


Is there any difference between DOT 3 and DOT 4 brake fluids?

Like earlier explained, these two Polyethylene Glycol fluids differ in boiling temperatures. For example, DOT 3 has a dry boiling point of 205 degrees celsius and a wet boiling point of 140 degrees celsius. DOT 4, on the other hand, has a dry boiling point of 230 degrees celsius and a wet boiling point of 155 celsius.

The dry boiling point is the boiling point of the fluid at 100% purity. The wet boiling point is measured by the quantity of water that has entered the system.

You see that there is a difference in boiling temperatures. That is why most car manufacturers recommend a certain DOT level of brake fluid, even though both are compatible. 


Do I still need to change my brake fluid if it hasn’t changed color yet?

Most vehicle drivers are guilty of this colossal error. The truth is you can’t use this factor when it comes to brake fluids. You don’t know what is happening in the hydraulics system. Brake fluids tend to retain water. This means that the more water gets inside, the more the boiling point drops. Its effectiveness is reduced.

Even if you think water can’t get inside, it can draw up water from the pipes and tubes of the braking system.

This is because they are typically made of porous materials.

So, the color change is not a factor to determine if you want to change a brake fluid or not.

Can I use a DOT 4 brake fluid in a car with a recommended DOT 3?

Most times, DOT 3 and DOT 4 brake fluids are compatible. Due to differences in boiling and wet points, you may encounter some hitches if you don’t use the recommended brake fluid. That is, using DOT 4 brake fluids when you ought to use DOT 3.

What is the difference between DOT 4 and Super DOT 4?

The difference is due to the boiling and wet points. Super DOT 4 has a dry boiling point that slightly exceeds the minimum required amount for DOT 5.1. However, the wet boiling point does not meet the standards for DOT 5.1. Hence, the name “Super DOT 4”.

Also, the Super DOT 4 brake fluid is primarily designed for racing bikes because it needs to be flushed often. DOT 4, on the other hand, is suitable for any vehicle that is not meant for tracks. 

Is pentosin brake fluid good? 

Pentosin brake fluids are great fluids that provide high efficiency of brake systems. They are universally suitable for modern vehicles as well as vehicles with ABS systems. 

Can you mix DOT 4 with Super DOT 4? 

Yes, you can mix both brake fluids without the brake system having any issue. Both fluids are similar in chemistry, so that they will go pretty well. 

Does it matter what brake fluid I use? 

Yes! The type of brake fluid your car uses matters a lot. Every car manufacturer specifies the type of brake fluid a car must use. DOT 3 and DOT 4 brake fluids are commonly prescribed for vehicles because they are mineral-based fluids. DOT 5, on the other hand, is silicone-based. 

What happens if I use the wrong brake fluid? 

A lot of negative things can happen to your brake system. Intentionally or mistakenly using the wrong fluid can cause overheating, inadequate lubrication, and even affect transmission. 

Final Verdict

Pentosin brake fluid is compatible with all vehicles. Whether you have a Super DOT 4 LV brake fluid or the super DOT 4, it would go well. It also mixes well with other fluids in case you don’t have time to drain the old one. It’s convenient to use, and that is why leading automotive manufacturers use it. 


With Pentosin brake fluid in your vehicle’s brake system, you are guaranteed peace of mind. There is hardly any brand that offers more quality brake fluids than Pentosin. Drivers are assured of their safety and excellent vehicle performance. Pentosin brake fluids are the brake fluids that you can rely upon. 

Remember to check your vehicle’s manual for the recommended brake fluid before purchasing a pentosin brake fluid.


John D. Archer

John D. Archer is a mechanical engineer and writer based on the area of automotive accessories at, A resident expert and professional, John is passionate about all things automotive and loves to share his knowledge. He has good experience in all kind of automotive accessories. He has worked as a chief mechanical engineer in some reputed automotive garage firm.