How to Bleed Your Dirt Bike Brakes in 4 Easy Steps

Bleeding dirt bike brakes is important for maintaining your bike or ATV, and they’ll become less effective if you don’t bleed your brakes regularly. You will learn various techniques for bleeding your brakes in this guide.

If you ride a dirt bike, you probably know that bleeding brake pads or rotors aren’t something you want to mess around with. It’s important to get them bled regularly to ensure they function properly.

Brake pads or rotors can be bled with only a few tools, and proper bleeding ensures appropriate performance. In this guide, we’ll show you how to bleed your brakes.

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Dirt Bike Planet is where dirt bike enthusiasts from everywhere come to share what they know.They offer an entertaining yet informative series to learn about all there is to know about maintaining a dirt bike.Brake fluid needs to be bled regularly, and brakes should feel “spongy” when working properly.Bleeding should begin with a clean brake fluid reservoir and an empty caliper nipple.

Safety First When working on the brakes

Always put safety first when working on the brakes. Working on your brakes without safety glasses and a face mask can easily cause you to get brake fluid in your eyes.Cleanliness is critical when working on the brakes.Use brake fluid recommended by the manufacturer and from a new, previously unopened container.Do not reuse brake fluid that has already been through the system, no matter how clean it appears.Since brake fluid is hygroscopic, it absorbs airborne moisture, so replacing it periodically is recommended.

Then you need to remove the brake caliper from the rotor. This is also a process that requires a lot of patience and precision.

How to Bleed Dirt Bike Brakes (The ultimate Step By Step Guide)

As a first step, make sure that you remove the brake pads from the rotors. Then take out the old rotor and clean the brake caliper.

Next, you need to use a flat head screwdriver to remove the brake pad retaining pins. This is a process that requires a lot of patience and precision.

Step 1:

Remove the filler cap and rubber diaphragm from the brake reservoir.Clean around the reservoir.Protect yourself and your dog from spills with a soft rag.Clean up any spills as soon as possible.The simplest way to clean up a spill on a hard surface is to use a cloth.

Step 2:

Brake fluid must be drained from the system to prevent air from getting into the brake calipers.A clear piece of tubing needs to fit snugly over the bleeder valve nipple.A hex nut on the bleeder nipple should be unscrewed with a spanner.Remove the rubber cap from the nipple.Place a clear tube over the nipple.Wait until your baby is sucking on the breast for at least 2 minutes.Remove the tube

Step 3:

Bleed the brake system until clear fluid came out of the bleeder valve.Be sure to top off the fluid in the reservoir when it runs low.Maintain the fluid level by topping it off with a small plastic syringe.

Step 4:

Bleed the brakes to restore the brake feel.Test the brakes before riding.If problems persist, there may be worn-out components or seals.

How to bleed dirt bike disc brakes?

Your dirt bike’s brakes can be bled simply by using DOT 4 brake fluid, a wrench, and firm pressure on the nipples.With the wrench, loosen the nipple by pumping the brake lever two or three times while keeping the pressure on the lever.You’ll see old fluid drain out and feel pressure on the brake lever soften. Tighten drainage nipple, then let go of lever – be sure to tighten first before letting off pressure on the lever.

Top off brake fluid again and repeat the process of pumping, loosening nipple, and draining until new fluid seeps through.Bleed brake fluid by using a nipple on the reservoir.Fill the reservoir to three-quarters full.

How to bleed dirt bike brakes with no tools?

Bleed brakes by inserting brake fluid through the bottom and out top.Use two syringes – one for pushing fluid in, another for taking it out.Install the main reservoir cover, insert brake fluid slowly until full, tighten, and check reservoir level.Repeat the process as necessary until all brake fluid is removed

What is the best way to bleed the front brake on dirt?

Bleeding the front brake is used to remove air from the brake system. The process allows the brake to work properly and prevents the brake from locking up.

Bleeding the front brake on a dirt bike is similar to bleeding the rear brake.It is important to ensure the motorcycle is clean before removing the master cylinder reservoir cap or loosening a bleeder.

You should remove the seat, gas tank, or subframe from dirt bikes with remote reservoirs attached to it via a hose to gain access to the reservoir. It also visually inspects seldom seen hoses, cables, and wires for chaffing.

Bleeding the brake system involves flushing fluid through the system until it reaches a certain level.It is best to use a brake flush or bleeding process to bleed front brakes on dirt.It is important to monitor the reservoir level and stop when it falls between the “Min” and “Max” marks.

How To Bleed the Rear Brake On A Dirt Bike

Bleeding the rear brake is similar to bleeding the front brake – it’s important to ensure the motorcycle is clean before beginning.

On dirt bikes with a remote reservoir attached to the rear brake master cylinder, it’s best to remove the seat, gas tank, or subframe for easier access.

You can drain the reservoir of your working system as long as the master cylinder still has fluid in the hose.Re-fill the reservoir and repeat steps of removing fluid until all of it has been removed.First, tap the rear brake caliper gently with a plastic hammer, working up from the bottom, directing “Hits” upwards.Suppose no brake fluid exits from the brake bleeder within a few seconds of the bleeder being open. Using a stiff piece of wire, a pick, brake cleaner, and compressed air remove any obstruction in the orifice in the bleeder.

When the reservoir is full of brake fluid and the line is flushed, close Bleeders when the level falls between “Min” and “Max.” Ensure reservoir cover and gasket/diaphragm are clean.Clean with brake clean followed by compressed air drying, then reinstall the cover, screws, gasket, and cap on integral reservoirs.

Bleed the brake system on a dirt bike.Clear the cavity in the bleeder of any water before installing a Honda bleeder cap.

1. Why is it important to bleed dirt bike brakes?

Bleeding dirt bike brakes is crucial for maintaining optimal braking performance. Over time, air can get trapped in the brake lines, leading to a spongy or ineffective brake feel. Bleeding removes air bubbles, ensuring that your brakes operate at their best, providing reliable stopping power.

2. How often should I bleed my dirt bike brakes?

The frequency of bleeding depends on your riding conditions and brake usage. As a general rule, consider bleeding your dirt bike brakes at least once a year. However, if you notice a spongy feel, reduced braking performance, or any signs of air in the brake fluid, it’s crucial to bleed the brakes immediately.

3. Can I bleed my dirt bike brakes alone, or do I need assistance?

While it’s possible to bleed dirt bike brakes alone, having a helper can make the process easier. With a helper, one person can operate the brake lever, while the other opens and closes the bleeder valve. If you’re doing it solo, some brake bleeding kits come with one-way valves that allow you to do it without a second person.

4. Can I use any brake fluid for my dirt bike?

No, it’s essential to use the brake fluid specified in your dirt bike’s manual. Different bikes may require different types of brake fluid, so consult your manual or contact the manufacturer to ensure you’re using the correct fluid. Using the wrong type can lead to brake system damage and reduced performance.

5. Are there any safety precautions I should take when bleeding dirt bike brakes?

Absolutely. Prioritize safety by wearing protective gear, including gloves and eye protection, to prevent contact with brake fluid. Ensure the bike is securely supported and use a proper container to catch the old brake fluid. Avoid spilling brake fluid on painted surfaces, as it can cause damage.


​Once you learn how to bleed dirt bike brake pads, you’ll be able to do it yourself without needing to take it to a shop or pay someone else.By following the four easy steps outlined, you can effectively remove air bubbles from the brake system, preventing spongy brakes and enhancing overall responsiveness. Remember to gather the necessary tools, enlist a helper if possible, and adhere to safety precautions throughout the process. Regular brake maintenance not only prolongs the life of your dirt bike’s braking system but also contributes to a safer and more enjoyable riding experience. ​

John D. Archer

John D. Archer is a mechanical engineer and writer based on the area of automotive accessories at, A resident expert and professional, John is passionate about all things automotive and loves to share his knowledge. He has good experience in all kind of automotive accessories. He has worked as a chief mechanical engineer in some reputed automotive garage firm.