What Are The Disadvantages Of Metallic Brake Pads In A Car?

As a car owner, you may be aware that the brake system is one of the most critical components of your vehicle. It is responsible for keeping you and your passengers safe while on the road. But did you know that the type of brake pads you use in your car can also affect its performance? In particular, metallic brake pads are becoming increasingly popular, but are they the best option?

When it comes to brake pads, there are several options available. Metallic brake pads, also known as semi-metallic brake pads, are popular for their durability and affordability. However, they also come with their fair share of disadvantages.

This article will examine the disadvantages of metallic brake pads in a car. By understanding the drawbacks of this type of brake pad, you will be better equipped to decide whether they are the right choice for your vehicle.

What Are Metallic Brake Pads?

Metallic brake pads are one of the most popular brakes used in vehicles today. They benefit from a combination of metal, ceramic, and graphite, increasing their longevity and overall performance.

The metal components of metallic brake pads give them more resistance to heat and make them ideal for high-performing engine cars.

This superior heat resistance means these brake pads will perform better than organic or ceramic brake pads in a full range of temperatures.

The biggest advantage of metallic brake pads over other brakes is the responsive reaction they provide when pressure is applied to the pedal; they require minimal effort to activate and can quickly reduce vehicle speed as needed.

However, despite their outstanding performance, these pads do have some drawbacks; mainly, they can be noisy and cause bumpier rides due to their higher sensitivity when braking. Despite this, many drivers enjoy the reliable response that metallic brake pads offer while maintaining constant power and control over their vehicle’s movement.

What Are the Disadvantages of Metallic Brake Pads in A Car?

The major downside to using metallic brake pads is their heavy weight. This can cause an increase in fuel consumption because the car’s overall weight is higher than it would be with lighter materials. It also limits options for those looking for brake performance, as metallic brake pads may be unable to keep up with the speed and agility of a high-performance vehicle.

Furthermore, these brakes tend to wear out much faster than ceramic alternatives and give rise to much darker dust that will accumulate on car wheels.

In addition, many people find that they are much louder than ceramic brake pads, meaning your driving experience could be fairly noisy.

All in all, some definite downsides to using metallic brake pads versus ceramic ones should be considered when debating which brake is best suited for a particular application.

Despite their heaviness and potential extra fuel usage, many still prefer them due to their sturdiness and trustworthiness. Ultimately, it depends on what type of driving one participates in most often and what fits into budget and lifestyle best.

High-Level Advantages of Metallic Brake Pads

When considering brake pad options for a vehicle, metallic brake pads offer several advantages that cater to specific driving conditions and preferences. It’s essential to acknowledge these benefits to provide a balanced perspective before delving into the potential drawbacks.


  • One of the primary advantages of metallic brake pads is their durability. These pads are composed of a mix of metals such as copper, steel, and iron, making them resistant to wear over time.
  • The durability of metallic brake pads ensures a longer lifespan compared to some alternative materials, which can be particularly advantageous for drivers seeking a low-maintenance and long-lasting braking solution.

Heat Dissipation:

  • Metallic brake pads are known for their excellent heat dissipation properties. The metal composition allows them to handle high temperatures effectively during intense braking situations.
  • This superior heat dissipation capability reduces the risk of brake fade, a phenomenon where braking efficiency decreases under prolonged or heavy braking, contributing to consistent and reliable performance.

Consistent Performance:

  • Metallic brake pads provide consistent performance across a wide range of operating conditions. Whether driving in city traffic or tackling challenging terrains, these brake pads maintain stable friction characteristics.
  • Consistent performance is particularly beneficial for drivers who prioritize reliability and predictability in their braking experience, ensuring a dependable response when needed most.

Suitability for Heavy-Duty Applications:

  • Due to their robust construction and resistance to heat and wear, metallic brake pads are well-suited for heavy-duty applications, such as towing or hauling.
  • Drivers with vehicles engaged in activities that put additional stress on the braking system may find metallic brake pads to be a reliable choice, providing the necessary strength and durability for demanding situations.


  • In some cases, metallic brake pads can be more cost-effective over the long term. While the initial purchase price may be higher than other options, the extended lifespan and reduced need for frequent replacements can result in lower overall maintenance costs.

Acknowledging these high-level advantages provides a foundation for understanding why many drivers opt for metallic brake pads. However, it’s crucial to weigh these benefits against potential disadvantages and consider individual driving preferences and conditions when making a brake pad selection.

Isn’t There Any Pros of Metallic Brake Pads?

Yes, of course, there is. The pros of using metallic brake pads as opposed to ceramic brake pads are that they are significantly less expensive. The cost savings in materials and labor make metallic brake pads an attractive option for those looking for safe and reliable performance.

Moreover, the grip of a good quality set of metallic brake pads can be better during cold weather due to their superior ability to transfer heat.

On top of being affordable, metallic brakes are also highly durable, making them suitable for heavier vehicles like trucks. In addition, wearing on rotors is minimized as compared with the ceramic version due to its weight and malleability. Even though there is some wear over time, you’re still getting superior braking power without completely taking all the fun out of your driving experience.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for great performance at an affordable price tag, it’s worth considering investing in quality metallic brake pads before you start having braking issues or breakdowns on your next adventure.

Should I Choose Metallic Brake Pads For My Car?

If you’re looking to replace the brake pads on your car, you may be debating between metallic and non-metallic options. While both types of brake pads have advantages, some potential drawbacks to opting for metallic pads exist. Here are some things to consider before making a decision.

One of the most obvious drawbacks of metallic brakes is their cost. They’re often more expensive than other brake pads, and this cost increase can be off-putting for some drivers.

In addition, the heavier weight of metallic brakes can cause an increase in fuel consumption. This is because the car’s overall weight is higher than it would be with lighter materials. Finally, metallic brakes tend to wear out faster than ceramic alternatives, which may mean you’ll be spending more in the long run.

Ultimately, it depends on what type of driving you do and your budget. If you need a reliable set of brakes that will last, metallic brake pads could be worth the investment. However, if cost is a major factor, ceramic brake pads may be the better option.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

1. Are Metallic Brake Pads Good?

Metallic brake pads are one of the most popular used in cars today. They offer improved braking performance, a longer lifespan, and better heat dissipation than other brake pads. However, there are also some disadvantages to using metallic brake pads in a car.

2. Do Metallic Brake Pads Need To Be Changed More Often?

Yes, metallic brake pads usually require more frequent replacements than non-metallic ones. This is because the metal particles that make up the pad can wear down more quickly than other materials. Additionally, the heavier weight of metallic brake pads can cause them to wear out faster due to friction with the rotors.

3. How Long Do Metallic Pads Last?

If you’re looking for high-performance brake pads with extended durability and superior braking response, semi-metallic pads (also known as metallic brake pads) are a great option. These pads typically last for around 50,000 miles, making them a reliable choice for drivers who need a long-lasting solution.

4. How Many Km Do Brakes Last?

On average, brake pads should be replaced after driving 75,000 kilometers. However, this can vary depending on your brake pad type. Some may need to be replaced as early as 25,000 kilometers, while others can last up to 40,000. It’s best to refer to your car’s manual for a more precise estimate.


Metallic brake pads offer many advantages, such as improved braking performance and heat dissipation. However, they also tend to be more expensive than other options and can cause an increase in fuel consumption due to their heavier weight. Additionally, metallic brake pads may need to be replaced more often due to the metal particles that make up the pad. Ultimately, it’s important to weigh all of these factors before deciding.

John D. Archer

John D. Archer is a mechanical engineer and writer based on the area of automotive accessories at brakeshub.com, A resident expert and professional, John is passionate about all things automotive and loves to share his knowledge. He has good experience in all kind of automotive accessories. He has worked as a chief mechanical engineer in some reputed automotive garage firm.